I love French toast
With butter and sugar
And syrup the most

I love French toast

With it I drink coffee
Made from dark roast

I love French toast

The man at the grill
His specialty he'll boast

You are my French toast

Of all the sweet things
I love you the most

You're as goofy as it gets
And that's the way I like it
Goofy smile upon your face
Please don't ever strike it

The goofy you makes my day
I will never ever glean enough
Goofy notes and goofy grins
And all that giddy goofy stuff

If the goofy in you goes away
A trait I love will disappear
Don't ever lose that goofy you
Hold tight and keep it near

I'm walking around
Without a care
I'm madly in love
Walking on air

I'm skipping around
Filled with glee
I'm happy in love
Sure as can be

I'm dancing around
Circles and such
I'm light as a feather
Love him so much

I'm sitting around
Staring in space
I'm thinking of him
Smile on my face

I'm looking around
At stars in the sky
I'm blessed to have
This wonderful guy

Make a wish
Toss it high
Whisper secrets to the sky
Give your name to a star
The gift you are!

We bring out the child
So easily in each other
We allow them to grow wild
In their love for one another

We play together without worry
Laughing and singing with abandon
Never feeling that need to hurry
To put our grown up hats on

We will never forget
The child that sought us out
There inside with no regret
Not ever again to be without

Two children in us who meet
Ever friends and lovers soon to be
A special bond nothing can defeat
Always loving and ever free

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Ride with the wind in your hair
Push those pedals up and down
Ring your bell loudly in the air
Steer around the paths of your town

When you stop to rest and eat

Enjoy the quiet of your day
Then it's back on that bicycle seat
And once again be on your way

A destination you don't need

Your bike will steer you right
You don't have the need for speed
Just two wheels in happy flight

That little girl with eyes so bright

Pedaling along with joy so pure
To my eyes a wonderful sight
It's her I love for sure


One Plus One
Does not equal two
There's one of me
And one of you

Take one away
You still have two
Cause you love me
And I love you

Add them together
You'll get two ones
One loves the other
The other loves the one

One plus one
Equals you and me
We're two of a kind
Who were meant to be

When I hear your voice
This goofy smile appears
And it gives my no choice
Which way my heart it steers

I love everything you say
And my goofy smile stays in place
Well after you go away
Plastered there on my face

Cables running everywhere
Over tables and chairs
Connecting things together
In singles and pairs

Cables laying here and there
Twisting all around
Joining instruments with amps
Bringing forth their sound

My cable only runs where
There are no tables and chairs
Connecting us together
In one single not in pairs

My cable lays only here
Never twisting all around
Joining me with you
With perfect sound

One type loved by another

She types with many

He types with one

Fingers typing words to each other

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